Thursday, July 5, 2012

REST and Content Negotiation

Suppose you have a resource (in our case a piece of music) and you want to provide it in a variety of formats (plain text, pdf, midi etc.) then what is the RESTful best practice? Opinion seems divided - either you represent the resource just once and then provide a best-fit response by inspecting the Accept header or you represent each form of the resource with a separate URL. I tend to favour the former and want to investigate the support given by unfiltered and Blue Eyes.

Browser Tools

Before we start, it's helpful to do the initial testing from a browser. ModHeader is a simple Chrome plugin that allows you manipulate the request headers. Here we're restricting the effect just to localhost:8080 and we're setting the MIME type of the request to application/json:

You can then, of course, inspect the request and response headers using the standard Chrome development tools.


Unfiltered is an extremely lightweight toolkit that focuses on the problem at hand. It acts as a Servlet filter and so is dealing fundamentally with HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse objects. However, it delivers a very intuitive Scala API built round the type ResponseFunction = HttpServletRequest => HttpServletResponse. These functions can be composed together in a variety of ways allowing us to recognize the different combinations of request headers we need to identify or to build up appropriate combinations of response headers. Conventional scala pattern-matching is available to allow us to distinguish the various RESTful URLs we need. Finally, these mappings are gathered together in a Plan which is defined as PartialFunction[HttpServletRequest, ResponseFunction]. The portion of a Plan that handles our tunes might look like this:

  def intent = { 
    case req @ GET(Path(Seg("musicrest" :: genre :: "tune" :: tune :: Nil))) => req match {
        case MusicAccepts.Pdf(_) =>  PdfContent ~> ResponseString("Get PDF request genre: " + genre + " tune: " + tune)
        case MusicAccepts.Midi(_) => MidiContent ~> ResponseString("Get midi request genre: " + genre + " tune: " + tune)
        case Accepts.Json(_) => JsonContent ~> ResponseString("Get JSON request genre: "  + genre + " tune: " + tune)
        case _ =>    Ok ~> ResponseString("Get request for genre: " + genre + " tune: " + tune)

    // other Plan cases omitted
At the moment, this simply returns a String response that reflects the request, but the MIME type of the response accords with the type we eventually intend to return. Unfiltered natively handles common MIME types such as XML or JSON but when we stray from the straight and narrow with PDF or MIDI we need to provide a little more help. The DSL is easily extended like this:

import unfiltered.request.Accepts 
import unfiltered.response.ContentType

/** Accepts request header extractor for music extensions */
object MusicAccepts {

  object Midi extends Accepts.Accepting {
    val contentType = "audio/midi"
    val ext = "midi"

  object Pdf extends Accepts.Accepting {
    val contentType = "application/pdf"
    val ext = "pdf"

/** Response content type for music extensions */
object MidiContent extends ContentType("audio/midi")


Dispatch is a scala wrapper around Apache HttpClient. We can use this to run some integration tests. (I currently use Should Matchers for jUnit). Here is a test that confirms that the MIME types for PDF content agree:

  private val  localHost = :/("localhost", 8080)   
  private val genre = "irish" 
  private val tune = "odeas"

  def testMimePdf() {     
    val h = new Http
    val headers = Map("Accept" -> "application/pdf")
    val req = localHost / "musicrest" / genre / "tune" / tune  
    h(( req <: data-blogger-escaped-headers="">:> { 
      hs => {      
            val contentType: Option[String] = hs("Content-Type").headOption
  {_ should be ("application/pdf")}.getOrElse(fail("No Content-type header"))
Dispatch uses a rich set of operators for its combinators and these need a bit of explaining. In this example, >:> extracts the response headers. These operators are nicely summarised here. If you need to inspect both the headers and the content of the response, you can use the >+ operator to fork a handler into two (returned as a tuple):

  def testMimeJson() {  
    val h = new Http
    val headers = Map("Accept" -> "application/json")
    val req = localHost / "musicrest" / genre / "tune" / tune  
    val ans = h((req <: data-blogger-escaped-headers="">+ { r => 
      (r >:> { 
         hs => {
                val contentType: Option[String] = hs("Content-Type").headOption
      {_ should be ("application/json; charset=utf-8")}.getOrElse(fail("No Content-type header"))
         r >- {
           content => content should be ("Get JSON request for genre: irish tune: odeas")

Blue Eyes

Blue Eyes is more ambitious - attempting to be a complete web framework for RESTful services, implemented from scratch using pure functional techniques. One departure from unfiltered is that it does not recognize the Accept header - instead it requires requests to use a Content-Type header. I think this is a legitimate approach - just not the one I was looking for. It uses a similar combinatorial design, and has very good support for common types (particularly XML and JSON). Here's a snippet showing how you can match tune requests and return appropriate responses in these formats:

       } ~
       describe ("get tune  within a genre and type") {
          path("/genre" / 'genreName / "tune" / 'tune) {
            jvalue {
              get { request: HttpRequest[Future[JValue]] =>
                val genre = request.parameters('genreName) 
                val tune  = request.parameters('tune)
                val jTune: Future[HttpResponse[JValue]] = TuneModel(musicRestConfig).jasonTune(genre, tune)
            } ~
            xml {
              get { request: HttpRequest[Future[NodeSeq]]  =>
                val genre = request.parameters('genreName)
                val tune  = request.parameters('tune)
                val xmlTune: Future[HttpResponse[NodeSeq]] = TuneModel(musicRestConfig).xmlTune(genre, tune)
        } ~
Here the tilde combinator allows you to join the partial functions that handle each URL - pattern a or else pattern b or else .... The jvalue and xml combinators handle the mapping between incoming and outgoing Content-Types. I did not find it easy to provide similar combinators for my music types. I think my difficulty was largely because these combinators are expressed in terms of Bijections which are mappings in both directions between a type A and a type B. It wasn't clear to me how this mapped on to the problem at hand. According to forum answers there is an outer scope whose currency is A and an inner scope whose currency is B. But I simply needed to negotiate the type and then map from the type I actually had to the type agreed. Anyway, forum answers were immensely helpful and there appears to be some possibility that the Bijection approach may be rethought. I did like the JSON and Mongo libraries that are supplied as separate jars. The JSON library is derived from Lift Json whereas the Mongo library is new and looks as if it might be a viable alternative to Casbah. But this will have to wait for another post.

The Way Forward

I think, as things stand, I will most likely use unfiltered for pattern matching and use the Blue Eyes Mongo and JSON libraries for the heavy lifting. But I am very interested in tracking Blue Eyes core to see how it turns out.

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