Friday, May 16, 2014

A SKI Calculator

I have recently been attempting the exercises in Raymond Smullyan's to mock a Mockingbird. This is a gentle and enjoyable introduction to combinatory logic. He chooses an applicative system of combinators where the objects are birds and so he names them combinator birds. They live in variety of different forests where the inhabitants of each forest have distinctive characteristics.

Combinator Birds

Here are some examples of Smullyan's birds:
  Bluebird: Bxyz = x(yz)
  Cardinal: Cxyz = xzy
  Warbler:  Wxy = xyy
  Identity: Ix = x 
These are conventionally written in a form which minimises the bracketing because the terms are considered to be left-associative. They can be re-written in a normal form which makes the association explicit - for example:
  Cardinal: Cxyz = (xz)y
  Warbler:  Wxy = (xy)y
In the early chapters you learn that you can build all the other birds in a forest by applying birds to other birds. In fact, the birds shown above (BCWI) form the basis for a whole class of birds, and this class can also be generated from a different set (BTMI). More strangely, you can build all the birds you need from just two:
  Starling: Sxyz = xz(yz)
  Kestrel:  Kxy = x
It is very easy to generate the Identity bird from these two, and conventionally you use all three to generate the others - hence the name SKI Calculus. The real interest is that this is a Turing-complete language - a fact that has been used in an elegant piece of work to show that the Scala type system is Turing-complete. But this is not my object here - rather it is to take up Smullyan's challenge on page 178 to write a program that converts any combinator bird to a SKI bird. It also makes sense to write an interpreter for a SKI bird so that when it is applied to the appropriate variables (x,y,z etc.) then the original combinator bird is reconstituted. The puzzles in chapter 18 lead you to discover a deterministic algorithm for doing this which Smullyan sketches out in the answers (although be careful - unfortunately his explanation contains a couple of typos).

Parse Tree

A combinator bird is best represented by a binary tree which can distinguish between the bracketed forms in the following way:

This tree can be generated with the following very simple grammar which recognizes birds in normal form:
   expression ::= term term | term 
   term ::= terminal | bracket
   bracket ::= "(" expression ")" 
   terminal ::= "x"| "y" | "z" | "w" | "v" 
A parse tree in Scala then is of course:
   trait Tree
   case class Leaf(value: String) extends Tree
   case class Node(left: Tree, right: Tree) extends Tree
It is then straightforward to build a parser using the parser combinator library - but be careful - this has been moved to its own jar in Scala 2.11 - scala-parser-combinators_2.11.


The algorithm that converts a combinator bird to a SKI bird takes one variable at a time, starting with the outermost variable and removes it progressively from each node in the tree until it vanishes - being replaced by a tree of S,K and I. This process is called α-elimination and is an entirely mechanical process which involves invoking any or all of four Principles which are encoded as follows:
   // α-elimination of α alone is I (Iα=α)
   private def principle1 = I

   // α-elimination of X (α not in X) is KX (KXα=X)
   private def principle2(t: Tree) = Node(K,t)

   // α-elimination of Yα (α not in Y) is Y (Yα=α)
   private def principle3(t: Tree) = t

   // α-elimination of XY (X an Y both α-eliminations) is SXY
   private def principle4(l: Tree, r: Tree) =  Node(Node(S,l),r)
where we have:
   object SKINodes {
     val S = Leaf("S")
     val K = Leaf("K")
     val I = Leaf("I") 
This is not a very efficient algorithm because you have to look down the tree to detect whether the α-variable you are trying to replace exists in each branch, and it may not find the optimal SKI representation, but it is entirely deterministic and once you have replaced each variable you obtain a tree where the leaf nodes contain only S, K or I leaves.

SKI Interpretation

To interpret a SKI tree, you attach it to the required variables at its apex and then walk the tree. I have chosen a left side tree walk where I continue translating each branch until (on looking down it) all SKI nodes have been replaced. At each re-write I effectively apply the left hand operator to the right-hand tree. Because I am dealing with a binary tree but the S and K operators require more than one parameter, I accumulate 'partial' operators flowing up the tree until they are fully satisfied. This is done by adding extra transient nodes to the tree:
  // transient nodes used in SKI interpretation - essentially representations
  // of partial application of S, K or I
  case object S0 extends Tree
  case object K0 extends Tree
  case object I0 extends Tree
  case class K1(child: Tree) extends Tree
  case class S1(child: Tree) extends Tree
  case class S2(left: Tree, right: Tree) extends Tree
Again, this algorithm is not extremely efficient because of the look-ahead, but appears to be deterministic (certainly for the class of birds in Smullyan's forest). It will run out of stack space for outrageously complex birds because I have not bothered to preserve stack space by means of tail recursion or trampolining. If you are interested, the code is here.

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