Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Delving Deeper into Scala

OK - here's the plan.  Although I've been using Scala commercially for a couple of years, it's been in a somewhat niche area - XML messaging.  I'd like to become a little more familiar with some of the newer frameworks and toolkits that are emerging.

One of my interests is playing traditional music.  Trad musicians tend to exchanging tunes in abc notation - a very simple format developed by Chris Walshaw.  Various sites provide tune repositories which also display the dots in a conventional music stave - the one I mostly use is The Session. For example, here's the abc for one of my favourite jigs - O'Dea's:

X: 1
T: O'Dea's
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
R: jig
K: Gmaj
|: G3 GBd|BGD E3|DGB d2 d|edB def|
g3 ged|ege edB|dee edB|gdB A2 B:|
|: c3 cBA|Bdd d2 e|dBG GBd|edB AFD|
GBd gag|ege edB|dee edB|gdB A3:|

The tune goes like this:

I intend to build a RESTful service for traditional tunes. Users would post tunes in abc notation within particular genres. They could then request a given tune in a variety of different formats (for example: plain text (abc), pdf, JSON, midi etc.). I would also probably have a simple one-off transcoding service that didn't save the tune but would allow users to experiment with the abc. All this has been done before of course in various places - tunedb has a huge collection for example. But my main motivation is to investigate the Scala landscape - my current plan is to investigate MongoDB, unfiltered, blueeys, configrity and scalaz7.


So the service is to be built round the ability to transcode abc into various other formats.  To do this, I have chosen LilyPond which produces very high quality pdf images of scores and supports other formats too (such as midi),  It also has an add-on that converts abc into its native .ly format.

One drawback to LilyPond is that it only offers a command-line interface, so I'll have to shell out using scala.sys.process. Here's a bash script ( that invokes it:

# transcode abc to pdf format
# usage: srcdir destdir tunename


if [ $# -ne $EXPECTED_ARGS ]
  echo "Usage: `basename $0` {srcdir destdir tunename}"
  exit $E_BADARGS

# source
if [ ! -d $abcdir ]
  echo "$abcdir not a directory" >&2   # Error message to stderr.
  exit 1

# destination
if [ ! -d $pdfdir ]
  echo "$pdfdir not a directory" >&2   
  exit 1

# temporary work directory (we'll reuse src for the time being)

# source file
if [ ! -f $srcfile ]
  echo "no such file $srcfile" >&2  
  exit 1

# transcode from .abc to .ly
abc2ly -o $workdir/$ $abcdir/$
echo "abc return: " $retcode

# transcode from .ly to .pdf
if [ $retcode -eq 0 ]; then
  echo "attempting to transcode ly to pdf"
  lilypond --pdf -o $pdfdir/$3 $workdir/$

# remove the intermediate .ly file
rm -f $workdir/$

exit $retcode

Invoking from Scala

And here's some code that uses Process to call the script and return a scalaz Validation that contains either LilyPond's error messages or a file handle to the pdf:

import scala.sys.process.{Process, ProcessLogger}
import{InputStream, File}
import scalaz.Validation
import scalaz.Scalaz._
import org.streum.configrity.Configuration

trait Transcoder {
  def config: Configuration

  private def scriptHome = config[String]("transcode.scriptDir")
  // source
  private def abcHome = config[String]("transcode.abcDir")

  // destination
  private def pdfHome = config[String]("transcode.pdfDir")

  def transcode(abcName: String): Validation[String, File] = {
    import scala.collection.mutable.StringBuilder 

    val out = new StringBuilder
    val err = new StringBuilder

    val logger = ProcessLogger(
      (o: String) => out.append(o),
      (e: String) => err.append(e))

    val pb = Process(scriptHome + " " + abcHome + " " + pdfHome + " " + abcName)
    val exitValue =

    exitValue match {
      case 0 => {val fileName = pdfHome  + abcName + ".pdf"
                 val file = new File(fileName)
      case _ =>
config shows one way to use configrity. We could put our config values into a file (server.conf):

transcode {
   scriptDir = "/home/john/Development/Workspace/BlueEyes/tunedb/lilypond/"
   abcDir = "/var/data/music/abc/"
   pdfDir = "/var/data/music/pdf/"
we can them build a Transcoder in a test environment like this:

   class TestTranscoder extends Transcoder {
      override def toString = "test transcoder"
      override val config = {
        println("Loading configuration file")
and we can test it like this:

    /** a test transcode with an abc file that exists */
    def testGoodABC() {
      val transcoder = new TestTranscoder()
      val validation = transcoder.transcode("Odeas")
      validation.fold( e => fail("file should have been transcoded"),
                       s => s.getName() should be ("Odeas.pdf"))

    /** a test transcode with an abc file that does not exist */
    def testBadABC() {
      val transcoder = new TestTranscoder()
      val validation = transcoder.transcode("NotThere")
      validation.fold( e => (),
                       s => fail("PDF file should not be returned for invalid input"))

Monday, June 11, 2012

Scala in Depth

Josh Suereth's long-awaited book was published a couple of weeks ago.  It is by no means an introductory text - it seems to be aimed predominantly at java developers who already have a good grasp of scala syntax.

I feel that one of the main threats to the scala community is the possibility of it polarising into OO and pure functional factions.  I found Josh's book tremendously helpful in attempting to establish a truly idiomatic scala style and this is not an easy goal to achieve. Throughout the book, he develops rules which summarise best practice.  As expected, these encourage a more functional style, but he is not afraid to say where their over-use becomes awkward, or to point out scala constructs that are best avoided.  At all times, he has in the back of his mind the professional programmer, working in a team, and he wants to make the environment as productive as possible, with no nasty surprises.

For me, the most important chapters were those on implicits and the type system which were treated very thoroughly and provide a very understandable introduction to the coverage of type classes in the final chapter. As such, this book may also act as a wonderful introduction to Functional Programming in Scala  when it arrives.