Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Scala Play Framework and Form Validation

Now that the web service is just about complete, I need to provide a web frontend. For this, I have chosen the Scala Play Framework (v 2.03). The tutorial introduction for this is excellent and, on the whole, Play 'just works' as advertised. The one slight problem I had was in working out how to do cross-field validation on a form. Validating individual fields is very simple. For example, you might define a form for collecting new user details and provide a regex constraint that determines what a well constructed name should look like:

val registrationForm = Form(
    mapping (
      "name" -> (text verifying (pattern("""^[A-Za-z]([A-Za-z0-9_-]){5,24}$""".r, error="Names should start with a letter, be at least 5 characters, and may contain underscore or minus"))),
      "email" -> .....

Play associates both errors and help text with each input field in the form. When the form is rendered any error or help text is placed inside span elements that live alongside the field. So, all you need to do in the view is use the appropriate form helpers and these messages will display:

@helper.form(action = routes.Application.processNewUser, 'id -> "newuserform", 'enctype -> "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ) {
            <legend class="new-user" >New User
              @helper.inputText(registrationForm("name"), 'required -> "required",  '_class -> "newuser", '_help -> "" )
              @helper.inputText(registrationForm("email"), 'required -> "required", '_class -> "newuser")

However, if your validation constraint needs to consider multiple input fields, things get slightly more complicated.

Embedded Tuples

Suppose you have a registration form requiring your user to confirm his password. You need to provide both a main and confirmation input field on the form, but it is more efficient if you only have a single password field in the user registration model that underlies the form. So, your user may simply look like this:

case class User(name: String, email: String, password: String)

When you define the form, you can associate the two password fields together with an embedded tuple with a constraint that compares the two fields:

 val registrationForm = Form(
   mapping ( 
      "password" -> tuple(
        "main" -> text(minLength = 7),
        "confirm" -> text
       ).verifying (
        // Add an additional constraint: both passwords must match
        "Passwords don't match", passwords => passwords._1 == passwords._2

Now you need to do a little more work in the view to persuade the errors to render. Here, we're defining the confirmation field. We have to define a couple of pseudo attributes (starting with an underscore) that explicitly set values that previously with simple forms had been implicit. The '_label attribute sets the label text and the '_error attribute associates the field with the constraint for the overall password:

    @helper.inputPassword(registrationForm("password.confirm"), '_label -> "Confirm password", 'required -> "required", '_class -> "newuser",   '_error -> registrationForm.error("password") )

This technique is used in the SignUp form in Play's samples.

Form-Level Validation

Alternatively you can provide constraints at the level of the overall form. These differ from constraints seen so far because they are ad-hoc - in other words, they are not named and thus unattached from any particular input field. Suppose you have successfully registered your user but now want a login form that checks that the user has previously registered:

  val loginForm = Form(
    mapping (
      "name" -> text,
      "password" -> text
    ) (Login.apply)(Login.unapply)
    verifying ("user not registered", f => checkUserCredentials(f.name, f.password))

In this case, you can render any error messages by invoking the globalError method and perhaps place it in a span element at the foot of the form:

   @loginForm.globalError.map { error =>