Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Running a Play 2 Application as a Debian Service

Debian Services

If you have developed your Play app, you then need a straightforward way to deploy and administer it in your production Linux environment. The conventional way to do this is to install it as a service, which means you can ensure it starts automatically when the server starts and your system administrators will know how to stop or restart it or check its status. This is an area where the Play documentation seems to be lacking. Here's how I approach things.

Tanukisoft Wrapper

The Tanukisoft Wrapper takes much of the pain away from the work of converting a JVM application into a well behaved service.  You need to downloaded a version appropriate to your target machine, then pretty much all you have to do is name your service and edit a single configuration file - wrapper.conf.  This lets you set the classpath, the application main class, the JVM parameters, the logging levels and so on.  There are then various mechanisms for converting your application into a service but by far the simplest is to to use WrapperSimpleApp as your main class in wrapper.conf and let this hand off to Play's main class by setting it as the first application parameter.  You also have a skeletal startup shell script which you rename to the name of the service you wish to use. So for example you can then invoke your application from the bin directory using
./myservice stop
./myservice start
./myservice status
and so on.

Integrating with Play

The play dist command builds a zip file containing all the dependencies which it used to place in the dist directory but since 2.2.0 puts in target/universal. With my tradtunestore application, it builds:

As you can see, all the dependent jars are placed in tradtunestore-1.1-SNAPSHOT/lib and there is also a start script which shows that the main class is named play.core.server.NettyServer.  We are going to ignore this script because we are replacing it with Tanuki.  All you have to do now is extract the contents of the zip file and place it into your Tanuki lib directory.  Now you configure wrapper.conf to pick up all these jars in the classpath and invoke the NettyServer as the sole app wrapper parameter. Here's the relevant section that describes the Java application:

# Java Application
#  Locate the java binary on the system PATH:
#  Specify a specific java binary:

# Tell the Wrapper to log the full generated Java command line.

# Java Main class.  This class must implement the WrapperListener interface
#  or guarantee that the WrapperManager class is initialized.  Helper
#  classes are provided to do this for you.  See the Integration section
#  of the documentation for details.

# Java Classpath (include wrapper.jar)  Add class path elements as
#  needed starting from 1*.jar*.jar

# Java Library Path (location of Wrapper.DLL or

# Java Bits.  On applicable platforms, tells the JVM to run in 32 or 64-bit mode.

# Java Additional Parameters

# Initial Java Heap Size (in MB)

# Maximum Java Heap Size (in MB)

# Application parameters.  Add parameters as needed starting from 1


The final step is to install the service into init.d.  With Tanuki, this is simple - from your Tanuki bin directory, enter:
sudo ./myservice install
You can then control the service using:
sudo service myservice stop
sudo service myservice start
sudo service myservice status
and so on from any directory.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Spray Migration

Firstly, apologies for having been silent for such a long time - I've been looking after my parents who were ill and are now, thankfully, recovered. I'd like to say a huge thank-you to Pinderfields Hospital in Wakefield, Yorkshire for saving my dad's life.

Since I've been away, the Scala ecosystem has been moving on unabated. We now have the final release of Scala 2.10.2 and I've been anxious to upgrade my RESTful music application accordingly. This has been enjoyable, but has taken longer than expected, largely because Spray underwent a huge refactoring at version 1.0-M3 which incorporated lots of breaking changes. As of this writing, the current release is labelled 1.2-M8 and is consistent with Akka 2.2.0-RC1. Other libraries that I use have changed too, but Spray has caused the most impact because the application concentrates on content negotiation and Spray has altered this considerably.

The New Spray

So much is new.  The documentation has been completely overhauled and is now much more detailed. If you look at its navigation panel you can get an idea of the massive refactoring into a new module structure that has taken place. Both the github repository and the Spray repo have moved.  Packages have been renamed from “cc.spray...” to simply “spray...” and the group id has changed from “cc.spray” to “io.spray”.  There is a new DSL for testing routes. However, the changes with the biggest impact for me have been those to do with (un)marshalling (which has been moved to the new spray-httpx module) and those handling authentication.


You now use the Marshaller.of method to create a marshaller for a particular type (and which can be picked up implicitly in the routing). For example, if I want to create a marshaller for a handful of different binary types that I use represented by BinaryImage:
  import spray.httpx.marshalling._
  import MediaTypes._

  class BinaryImage(mediaType: MediaType, stream: BufferedInputStream)

  implicit val binaryImageMarshaller = 
     Marshaller.of[BinaryImage] (`application/pdf`,
                                 `audio/midi`) {
       (value, requestedContentType, ctx) ⇒ {
           val bytes:Array[Byte] = Util.readInput(
           ctx.marshalTo(HttpEntity(requestedContentType, bytes))     
Alternatively, if you have a type A with no marshaller, but you do have a marshaller for a type B, you can provide a marshaller for A by delegating to B's marshaller if you can provide a function from A to B. The definition is:
  def delegate[A, B](marshalTo: ContentType*)
                    (f: A => B)
                    (implicit mb: Marshaller[B]): Marshaller[A]

In my case, nearly all the content is represented as a type Validation[String, A] where the String type represents an error and A represents the various types of source or intermediate content. You can provide a meta-marshaller for a Validation which either handles the error or invokes the marshaller for the underlying type:
implicit def validationMarshaller[B](implicit mb: Marshaller[B]) =
    Marshaller[Validation[String, B]] { (value, ctx) ⇒
      value fold (
        e => throw new Exception(e),
        s ⇒ mb(s, ctx)

It seems rather infra dig to have to throw an exception from a Validation. At the moment it is necessary to do so because a Marshaller has no access to the HTTP response headers and so it is not possible (say) to marshall an error to a string-like content type if you've already told the marshaller that it's only dealing in binaries. However, Mathias from Spray has proposed introducing alternative Marshallers, one of which will have access to the headers in an upcoming release so this small blemish can then be removed.


Unmarshalling goes in the opposite direction and can be used to construct a user-defined type from a form submission. The interface here has changed a little too. For example:
  implicit val AbcUnmarshaller =
    Unmarshaller[AbcPost](`application/x-www-form-urlencoded`) {
      case HttpBody(contentType, buffer) => {         
        val notes =  new String(buffer, contentType.charset.nioCharset)

As you can see, there is now a nice symmetry between Marshallers and Unmarshallers. They can be used within routes like this:
  post {    
    entity(as[AbcPost]) { abcPost =>     
       // do something

And as with marshallers, there are a whole set of basic unmarshallers provided and you can delegate between unmarshallers if you wish.


This is another area where the API has changed and here the documentation is lacking. In my case, I need to perform simple authentication of a user name and password by checking with a backend database. This is best achieved by providing a UserPassAuthenticator. You construct one of these by passing it a function that takes an Optional UserPass and returns a Future which contains an Optional result. The standard approach is to return an encapsulation of the user name in a BasicUserContext if the validation passes and return None otherwise:
  val UserAuthenticator = UserPassAuthenticator[BasicUserContext] { userPassOption ⇒ Future(userPassOption match {
        case Some(UserPass(user, pass)) => {
            try {
              println("Authenticating: " + user + ":" + pass)
              if (TuneModel().isValidUser(user, pass) ) Some(BasicUserContext(user)) else None
            catch {
              case _ : Throwable => None
        case _ => None

I also need to identify the administrator user who has special powers. I do this by first using the UserAuthenticator to establish the login credentials and then composing this future with a check to establish the administrator name:
    val AdminAuthenticator = UserPassAuthenticator[BasicUserContext] { userPassOption => {
      val userFuture = UserAuthenticator(userPassOption) => someUser.filter(bu => bu.username == "administrator"))  

Once you have an authenticator, you can use it in routes like this:
   get {     
     authenticate(BasicAuth(UserAuthenticator, "musicrest")) { user =>    
       _.complete("user is valid")    


As an example of the new testing DSL, here is how you can test the authentication behaviour:
package org.bayswater.musicrest

import org.specs2.mutable.Specification
import spray.testkit.Specs2RouteTest
import spray.http._
import spray.http.HttpHeaders._
import StatusCodes._
import spray.routing._
import org.bayswater.musicrest.model.{TuneModel,User}

class AuthenticationSpec extends RoutingSpec with MusicRestService {
  def actorRefFactory = system
  val before = insertUser

  "The MusicRestService" should {
    "request authentication parameters for posted tunes" in {  
       Post("/musicrest/genre/irish/tune") ~> musicRestRoute ~> check 
         { rejection === AuthenticationRequiredRejection("Basic", "musicrest", Map.empty) }
    "reject authentication for unknown credentials" in {
       Post("/musicrest/genre/irish/tune") ~>  Authorization(BasicHttpCredentials("foo", "bar")) ~> musicRestRoute ~> check 
         { rejection === AuthenticationFailedRejection("musicrest") }
    "allow authentication for known credentials (but reject the lack of a POST body as a bad request)" in {
       Post("/musicrest/genre/irish/tune") ~>  Authorization(BasicHttpCredentials("test user", "passw0rd1")) ~> musicRestRoute ~> check 
         { rejection === RequestEntityExpectedRejection }
    "don't allow normal users to delete tunes" in {
       Delete("/musicrest/genre/irish/tune/sometune") ~>  Authorization(BasicHttpCredentials("test user", "passw0rd1")) ~> musicRestRoute ~> check 
         { rejection === AuthenticationFailedRejection("musicrest") }
    "allow administrators to delete tunes" in {
       Delete("/musicrest/genre/irish/tune/sometune") ~>  Authorization(BasicHttpCredentials("administrator", "adm1n1str80r")) ~> musicRestRoute ~> check 
         { entityAs[String] must contain("Tune sometune removed from irish") }
  def insertUser = {
   val dbName = "tunedbtest"
   val collection = "user"
   val tuneModel = TuneModel()
   tuneModel.deleteUser("test user")
   val user1 = User("test user", "", "passw0rd1")
   val user2 = User("administrator", "", "adm1n1str80r")