Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Scala Play Framework and Form Validation

Now that the web service is just about complete, I need to provide a web frontend. For this, I have chosen the Scala Play Framework (v 2.03). The tutorial introduction for this is excellent and, on the whole, Play 'just works' as advertised. The one slight problem I had was in working out how to do cross-field validation on a form. Validating individual fields is very simple. For example, you might define a form for collecting new user details and provide a regex constraint that determines what a well constructed name should look like:

val registrationForm = Form(
    mapping (
      "name" -> (text verifying (pattern("""^[A-Za-z]([A-Za-z0-9_-]){5,24}$""".r, error="Names should start with a letter, be at least 5 characters, and may contain underscore or minus"))),
      "email" -> .....

Play associates both errors and help text with each input field in the form. When the form is rendered any error or help text is placed inside span elements that live alongside the field. So, all you need to do in the view is use the appropriate form helpers and these messages will display:

@helper.form(action = routes.Application.processNewUser, 'id -> "newuserform", 'enctype -> "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ) {
            <legend class="new-user" >New User
              @helper.inputText(registrationForm("name"), 'required -> "required",  '_class -> "newuser", '_help -> "" )
              @helper.inputText(registrationForm("email"), 'required -> "required", '_class -> "newuser")

However, if your validation constraint needs to consider multiple input fields, things get slightly more complicated.

Embedded Tuples

Suppose you have a registration form requiring your user to confirm his password. You need to provide both a main and confirmation input field on the form, but it is more efficient if you only have a single password field in the user registration model that underlies the form. So, your user may simply look like this:

case class User(name: String, email: String, password: String)

When you define the form, you can associate the two password fields together with an embedded tuple with a constraint that compares the two fields:

 val registrationForm = Form(
   mapping ( 
      "password" -> tuple(
        "main" -> text(minLength = 7),
        "confirm" -> text
       ).verifying (
        // Add an additional constraint: both passwords must match
        "Passwords don't match", passwords => passwords._1 == passwords._2

Now you need to do a little more work in the view to persuade the errors to render. Here, we're defining the confirmation field. We have to define a couple of pseudo attributes (starting with an underscore) that explicitly set values that previously with simple forms had been implicit. The '_label attribute sets the label text and the '_error attribute associates the field with the constraint for the overall password:

    @helper.inputPassword(registrationForm("password.confirm"), '_label -> "Confirm password", 'required -> "required", '_class -> "newuser",   '_error -> registrationForm.error("password") )

This technique is used in the SignUp form in Play's samples.

Form-Level Validation

Alternatively you can provide constraints at the level of the overall form. These differ from constraints seen so far because they are ad-hoc - in other words, they are not named and thus unattached from any particular input field. Suppose you have successfully registered your user but now want a login form that checks that the user has previously registered:

  val loginForm = Form(
    mapping (
      "name" -> text,
      "password" -> text
    ) (Login.apply)(Login.unapply)
    verifying ("user not registered", f => checkUserCredentials(f.name, f.password))

In this case, you can render any error messages by invoking the globalError method and perhaps place it in a span element at the foot of the form:

   @loginForm.globalError.map { error =>

Thursday, August 23, 2012

REST and Pagination

What is the RESTful way to perform pagination? To my mind, there is only one approach - URI parameters. For example, to return the first ten tunes from our repository:


A page is not itself a resource and so these parameters should not be part of the URI path. Nor should the HTTP Range header be hijacked for this purpose. Fortunately, Spray makes it ridiculously easy to fish out the parameters and provide defaults where necessary with its parameters combinator. For example, if we want to use a default page size of 10 we can use:

    pathPrefix("musicrest/genre") {
      path (PathElement / "tune" ) { genre => 
        parameters('page ? 1, 'size ? 10) { (page, size) =>
          get {  ctx => ctx.complete(TuneList(genre, page, size)) }
    } ~

The next problem is how best to represent the list of tunes that is returned. As we're developing a transcoding service, it makes sense to support both JSON and XML representations and to return the paging information alongside the tunes. These representations can be returned by means of an appropriate marshaller as discussed earlier. A JSON representation for a couple of tunes might be:

    "tune": [
            "title": "A Fig For A Kiss",
            "rhythm": "slip jig",
            "_id": "a+fig+for+a+kiss-slip+jig"
            "title": "Baltimore Salute, The",
            "rhythm": "reel",
            "_id": "baltimore+salute%2C+the-reel"
    "pagination": {
        "page": "1",
        "size": "2"

and the equivalent XML representation would be:

       <title>A Fig For A Kiss</title>
       <rhythm>slip jig</rhythm>
       <title>Baltimore Salute, The</title>

Before we look into how to implement this, I need to digress slightly and talk about the components I've chosen to integrate.


It turns out that LilyPond was not really appropriate for transcoding the tunes. Although it produces scores of very high quality, it was slow, and the abc2ly utility would occasionally hiccup (for example, it would get confused by lead-in notes). Instead I now use abcMidi for midi production and abc2ps for postscript (which can then be transcoded to a variety of formats with the standard Linux convert tool). I had originally intended to use Blue Eyes MongoDB for Mongo integration but was put off by the large number of jars brought in through its dependency on Blue Eyes Core. Instead I now use Casbah which is very easy to work with. I'm still very pleased with Blue Eyes JSON, though. And finally, I have chosen Spray as the web service toolkit.

Implementing Paging

This is very straightforward with Mongo because the URI parameters very closely match Mongo's skip and limit functions. For example, the following Casbah query returns the data we need (here T represents the tune title and R its rhythm):

  def getTunes(genre: String, page: Int, size: Int): Iterator[scala.collection.Map[String, String]] = {
    val mongoCollection = mongoConnection(dbname)(genre)
    val q  = MongoDBObject.empty
    val skip = (page -1) * size
    val fields = MongoDBObject("T" -> 1, "R" -> 2)
    val s = MongoDBObject("T" -> 1)
    for {
      x <- mongoCollection.find(q, fields).sort(s).skip(skip).limit(size)
    } yield x.mapValues(v => v.asInstanceOf[String])    
We can use the Iterator returned by this query to populate our TuneList class, and provide a toJSON method to produce the output we require:

class TuneList(i: Iterator[scala.collection.Map[String, String]], page: Int, size: Int) {
  def toJSON: String = {
    val quotedi = i.map( cols => cols.map( c => c match {
      case ("T", x) => "\"title\"" + ": " + "\"" + x + "\" "
      case ("R", x) => "\"rhythm\"" + ": " + "\"" + x + "\" "
      case (a, b)   => "\"" + a + "\"" + ": " + "\"" + b + "\" "
    }).mkString("{", ",", "}"))
    quotedi.mkString("{ \"tune\": [", ",", "], " + pageInfoJSON + "  }") 
  private val pageInfoJSON:String = " \"pagination\" : { \"page\""  + ": \"" + page + "\" ," + "\"size\""  + ": \"" + size + "\" }"

object TuneList {
  def apply(genre: String, page: Int, size: Int):TuneList = new TuneList(TuneModel().getTunes(genre, page, size), page, size)

Finally, we can add a toXML method for the XML output, made very easy by the Blue Eyes JSON library:

  def toXML: String = {
      val jvalue = JsonParser.parse(toJSON)
      "<tunes>" + Xml.toXml(jvalue).toString + "</tunes>"

I find it much simpler to generate XML from JSON rather than the other way round.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Content Negotiation with Spray

Please note: this article describes Spray 1.0-M2. The Spray API has altered considerably since this was written - see the more recent post on Spray Migration.

Spray is another attractive framework for building RESTful web services. Again it uses combinators for parsing requests in a similar manner to unfiltered but it offers considerably more options in composing them together, very nicely described here. Spray's approach to content negotiation differs from unfiltered. By and large, the set of supported MIME types, and the matching of appropriate responses to requests remains hidden. Having matched a request, you would typically return a response using the complete function:

    path("whatever") {
      get { requestContext => requestContext.complete("This is the response") }

This has the ability to return a variety of MIME types. This is because each variant of the complete method on RequestContext takes Marshaller as an implicit parameter:

   def complete [A] (obj: A)(implicit arg0: Marshaller[A]): Unit

I like this because it is likely that you will want to model each RESTful resource with a dedicated type. Then, if you simply provide a marshaller for that type in implicit scope, you have a type-safe response mechanism. It is possible for a marshaller to take responsibility for more than one MIME type, and the Spray infrastructure will then silently handle the content negotiation for you, hooking up an appropriate response content type to that requested. For example, if we want to reproduce the music service so far implemented with unfiltered, we can do it like this:

import cc.spray._
import cc.spray.directives._

import org.bayswater.musicrest.typeconversion.MusicMarshallers._

trait MusicRestService extends Directives {
  val musicRestService = {
    path("musicrest") {
      get { _.complete("Music Rest main options") }
    } ~
    path("musicrest/genre") { 
      get { _.complete("List of genres") }
    } ~
    path("musicrest/genre" / PathElement ) { genre =>
      get { _.complete("Genre " + genre) }
    } ~
    pathPrefix("musicrest/genre") {
      path (PathElement / "tune" ) { genre => 
        get { _.complete("List of Tunes" ) }
      } ~
      path (PathElement / "tune" / PathElement ) { (genre, tune) =>         
        get { _.complete(Tune(genre, tune) ) }
Notice that when we want to match a URL that represents a tune, we use a Tune type with marshallers for the tune in scope. The marshaller (at the moment) simply encodes Strings, but it is all that is needed to generate the required Content-Type header (pdf, midi, json etc.):

import cc.spray.typeconversion._
import cc.spray.http._
import HttpCharsets._
import MediaTypes._
import java.nio.CharBuffer

trait MusicMarshallers {
  val `audio/midi` = MediaTypes.register(CustomMediaType("audio/midi", "midi"))
  case class Tune(genre: String, name: String)
  implicit lazy val TuneMarshaller = new SimpleMarshaller[Tune] {
    val canMarshalTo = ContentType(`text/plain`) ::
                       ContentType(`application/pdf`) :: 
                       ContentType(`audio/midi`) :: 
                       ContentType(`application/json`) :: 
    def marshal(tune: Tune, contentType: ContentType) = {
      val content = "genre " + tune.genre + " name " + tune.name 
      val nioCharset = contentType.charset.getOrElse(`ISO-8859-1`).nioCharset
      val charBuffer = CharBuffer.wrap(content)
      val byteBuffer = nioCharset.encode(charBuffer)
      HttpContent(contentType, byteBuffer.array)

object MusicMarshallers extends MusicMarshallers  

Spray provides a registry of the most common MIME types but this will not include our audio/midi type until the next release. For the time being, we must register the type ourselves.

Posted Messages

Suppose we wanted to offer a transcoding service, where users post tunes in ABC format and we return them transcoded to the requested type. We can manage this by defining an Abc type and adding an Unmarshaller to MusicMarshallers for that type which converts the POST body.

  case class Abc(notes: String)

  implicit lazy val AbcUnmarshaller = new SimpleUnmarshaller[Abc] {
    val canUnmarshalFrom = ContentTypeRange(`text/plain`)  :: Nil

    def unmarshal(content: HttpContent) = protect {
      val notes =  new String(content.buffer, content.contentType.charset.getOrElse(`ISO-8859-1`).nioCharset)

Spray uses the same approach for ummarshalling that it uses for marshalling. If an implioit unmarshaller for the type is in scope, it will be used to construct the type when we use the content function. The type signatures are:

  def as [A] (implicit arg0: Unmarshaller[A]): Unmarshaller[A]

  def content [A] (unmarshaller: Unmarshaller[A]): SprayRoute1[A]

which we can then use like this:

    path("musicrest/transcode") { 
      post { 
        content(as[Abc]) { abc =>      
          val tune:Tune = parseAbc(abc)

and because we're completing with a Tune type, marshalling to the requested type again happens silently. We've had to write our own marshallers and unmarshallers because we're using relatively uncommon MIME types but Spray provides default marshallers/unmarshallers for the more common types. Incidentally, Spray seems to be refreshingly strict in its accordance to the HTTP spec. It appears that Chrome has a bug when submitting forms encoded as text/plain it mistakenly issues an empty boundary (as if it were a MultiPart type):

Content-Type:text/plain; boundary=

which is immediately rejected by Spray.


Spray supplies a SprayTest trait which allows you to test the routing logic directly (without having to fire up the container). For example:

 "The MusicRestService" should {
    "return resonable content for GET requests to the musicrest tune path" in {
      testService(HttpRequest(GET, "/musicrest/genre/irish/tune/odeas", List(acceptHeader("text/plain")))) {
      }.response.content.as[String] mustEqual Right("genre irish name odeas")

It is possible, too, to ensure that the correct Content-Type is produced. Firstly, make sure that the various HTTP headers, charsets and media types are in scope:

import cc.spray.http.HttpHeaders._ 
import cc.spray.http.HttpCharsets._ 
import cc.spray.http.MediaTypes._ 
import org.bayswater.musicrest.typeconversion.MusicMarshallers.`audio/midi`

At this stage in the proceedings, the Content-Type header has not yet been generated. Instead it is part of the content:

    "return PDF MIME type for GET tune requests for that type" in {
      testService(HttpRequest(GET, "/musicrest/genre/irish/tune/odeas", List(Accept(`application/pdf`)))) {
      }.response.content.map(_.contentType) === Some(ContentType(`application/pdf`, `ISO-8859-1`)) 
    "return text/plain MIME type for GET tune requests for that type" in {
      testService(HttpRequest(GET, "/musicrest/genre/irish/tune/odeas", List(Accept(`text/plain`)))) {
      }.response.content.map(_.contentType) === Some(ContentType(`text/plain`, `ISO-8859-1`)) 
    "return audio/midi MIME type for GET tune requests for that type" in {
      testService(HttpRequest(GET, "/musicrest/genre/irish/tune/odeas", List(Accept(`audio/midi`)))) {
      }.response.content.map(_.contentType) === Some(ContentType(`audio/midi`, `ISO-8859-1`)) 

We can also, of course, use Dispatch for client-server testing like we did before, or we can use Spray Client which allows you to do the same sort of marshalling and unmarshalling at the client side.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

REST and Content Negotiation

Suppose you have a resource (in our case a piece of music) and you want to provide it in a variety of formats (plain text, pdf, midi etc.) then what is the RESTful best practice? Opinion seems divided - either you represent the resource just once and then provide a best-fit response by inspecting the Accept header or you represent each form of the resource with a separate URL. I tend to favour the former and want to investigate the support given by unfiltered and Blue Eyes.

Browser Tools

Before we start, it's helpful to do the initial testing from a browser. ModHeader is a simple Chrome plugin that allows you manipulate the request headers. Here we're restricting the effect just to localhost:8080 and we're setting the MIME type of the request to application/json:

You can then, of course, inspect the request and response headers using the standard Chrome development tools.


Unfiltered is an extremely lightweight toolkit that focuses on the problem at hand. It acts as a Servlet filter and so is dealing fundamentally with HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse objects. However, it delivers a very intuitive Scala API built round the type ResponseFunction = HttpServletRequest => HttpServletResponse. These functions can be composed together in a variety of ways allowing us to recognize the different combinations of request headers we need to identify or to build up appropriate combinations of response headers. Conventional scala pattern-matching is available to allow us to distinguish the various RESTful URLs we need. Finally, these mappings are gathered together in a Plan which is defined as PartialFunction[HttpServletRequest, ResponseFunction]. The portion of a Plan that handles our tunes might look like this:

  def intent = { 
    case req @ GET(Path(Seg("musicrest" :: genre :: "tune" :: tune :: Nil))) => req match {
        case MusicAccepts.Pdf(_) =>  PdfContent ~> ResponseString("Get PDF request genre: " + genre + " tune: " + tune)
        case MusicAccepts.Midi(_) => MidiContent ~> ResponseString("Get midi request genre: " + genre + " tune: " + tune)
        case Accepts.Json(_) => JsonContent ~> ResponseString("Get JSON request genre: "  + genre + " tune: " + tune)
        case _ =>    Ok ~> ResponseString("Get request for genre: " + genre + " tune: " + tune)

    // other Plan cases omitted
At the moment, this simply returns a String response that reflects the request, but the MIME type of the response accords with the type we eventually intend to return. Unfiltered natively handles common MIME types such as XML or JSON but when we stray from the straight and narrow with PDF or MIDI we need to provide a little more help. The DSL is easily extended like this:

import unfiltered.request.Accepts 
import unfiltered.response.ContentType

/** Accepts request header extractor for music extensions */
object MusicAccepts {

  object Midi extends Accepts.Accepting {
    val contentType = "audio/midi"
    val ext = "midi"

  object Pdf extends Accepts.Accepting {
    val contentType = "application/pdf"
    val ext = "pdf"

/** Response content type for music extensions */
object MidiContent extends ContentType("audio/midi")


Dispatch is a scala wrapper around Apache HttpClient. We can use this to run some integration tests. (I currently use Should Matchers for jUnit). Here is a test that confirms that the MIME types for PDF content agree:

  private val  localHost = :/("localhost", 8080)   
  private val genre = "irish" 
  private val tune = "odeas"

  def testMimePdf() {     
    val h = new Http
    val headers = Map("Accept" -> "application/pdf")
    val req = localHost / "musicrest" / genre / "tune" / tune  
    h(( req <: data-blogger-escaped-headers="">:> { 
      hs => {      
            val contentType: Option[String] = hs("Content-Type").headOption
            contentType.map{_ should be ("application/pdf")}.getOrElse(fail("No Content-type header"))
Dispatch uses a rich set of operators for its combinators and these need a bit of explaining. In this example, >:> extracts the response headers. These operators are nicely summarised here. If you need to inspect both the headers and the content of the response, you can use the >+ operator to fork a handler into two (returned as a tuple):

  def testMimeJson() {  
    val h = new Http
    val headers = Map("Accept" -> "application/json")
    val req = localHost / "musicrest" / genre / "tune" / tune  
    val ans = h((req <: data-blogger-escaped-headers="">+ { r => 
      (r >:> { 
         hs => {
                val contentType: Option[String] = hs("Content-Type").headOption
                contentType.map{_ should be ("application/json; charset=utf-8")}.getOrElse(fail("No Content-type header"))
         r >- {
           content => content should be ("Get JSON request for genre: irish tune: odeas")

Blue Eyes

Blue Eyes is more ambitious - attempting to be a complete web framework for RESTful services, implemented from scratch using pure functional techniques. One departure from unfiltered is that it does not recognize the Accept header - instead it requires requests to use a Content-Type header. I think this is a legitimate approach - just not the one I was looking for. It uses a similar combinatorial design, and has very good support for common types (particularly XML and JSON). Here's a snippet showing how you can match tune requests and return appropriate responses in these formats:

       } ~
       describe ("get tune  within a genre and type") {
          path("/genre" / 'genreName / "tune" / 'tune) {
            jvalue {
              get { request: HttpRequest[Future[JValue]] =>
                val genre = request.parameters('genreName) 
                val tune  = request.parameters('tune)
                val jTune: Future[HttpResponse[JValue]] = TuneModel(musicRestConfig).jasonTune(genre, tune)
            } ~
            xml {
              get { request: HttpRequest[Future[NodeSeq]]  =>
                val genre = request.parameters('genreName)
                val tune  = request.parameters('tune)
                val xmlTune: Future[HttpResponse[NodeSeq]] = TuneModel(musicRestConfig).xmlTune(genre, tune)
        } ~
Here the tilde combinator allows you to join the partial functions that handle each URL - pattern a or else pattern b or else .... The jvalue and xml combinators handle the mapping between incoming and outgoing Content-Types. I did not find it easy to provide similar combinators for my music types. I think my difficulty was largely because these combinators are expressed in terms of Bijections which are mappings in both directions between a type A and a type B. It wasn't clear to me how this mapped on to the problem at hand. According to forum answers there is an outer scope whose currency is A and an inner scope whose currency is B. But I simply needed to negotiate the type and then map from the type I actually had to the type agreed. Anyway, forum answers were immensely helpful and there appears to be some possibility that the Bijection approach may be rethought. I did like the JSON and Mongo libraries that are supplied as separate jars. The JSON library is derived from Lift Json whereas the Mongo library is new and looks as if it might be a viable alternative to Casbah. But this will have to wait for another post.

The Way Forward

I think, as things stand, I will most likely use unfiltered for pattern matching and use the Blue Eyes Mongo and JSON libraries for the heavy lifting. But I am very interested in tracking Blue Eyes core to see how it turns out.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Delving Deeper into Scala

OK - here's the plan.  Although I've been using Scala commercially for a couple of years, it's been in a somewhat niche area - XML messaging.  I'd like to become a little more familiar with some of the newer frameworks and toolkits that are emerging.

One of my interests is playing traditional music.  Trad musicians tend to exchanging tunes in abc notation - a very simple format developed by Chris Walshaw.  Various sites provide tune repositories which also display the dots in a conventional music stave - the one I mostly use is The Session. For example, here's the abc for one of my favourite jigs - O'Dea's:

X: 1
T: O'Dea's
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
R: jig
K: Gmaj
|: G3 GBd|BGD E3|DGB d2 d|edB def|
g3 ged|ege edB|dee edB|gdB A2 B:|
|: c3 cBA|Bdd d2 e|dBG GBd|edB AFD|
GBd gag|ege edB|dee edB|gdB A3:|

The tune goes like this:

I intend to build a RESTful service for traditional tunes. Users would post tunes in abc notation within particular genres. They could then request a given tune in a variety of different formats (for example: plain text (abc), pdf, JSON, midi etc.). I would also probably have a simple one-off transcoding service that didn't save the tune but would allow users to experiment with the abc. All this has been done before of course in various places - tunedb has a huge collection for example. But my main motivation is to investigate the Scala landscape - my current plan is to investigate MongoDB, unfiltered, blueeys, configrity and scalaz7.


So the service is to be built round the ability to transcode abc into various other formats.  To do this, I have chosen LilyPond which produces very high quality pdf images of scores and supports other formats too (such as midi),  It also has an add-on that converts abc into its native .ly format.

One drawback to LilyPond is that it only offers a command-line interface, so I'll have to shell out using scala.sys.process. Here's a bash script (abc2pdf.sh) that invokes it:

# transcode abc to pdf format
# usage: abc2pdf.sh srcdir destdir tunename


if [ $# -ne $EXPECTED_ARGS ]
  echo "Usage: `basename $0` {srcdir destdir tunename}"
  exit $E_BADARGS

# source
if [ ! -d $abcdir ]
  echo "$abcdir not a directory" >&2   # Error message to stderr.
  exit 1

# destination
if [ ! -d $pdfdir ]
  echo "$pdfdir not a directory" >&2   
  exit 1

# temporary work directory (we'll reuse src for the time being)

# source file
if [ ! -f $srcfile ]
  echo "no such file $srcfile" >&2  
  exit 1

# transcode from .abc to .ly
abc2ly -o $workdir/$3.ly $abcdir/$3.abc
echo "abc return: " $retcode

# transcode from .ly to .pdf
if [ $retcode -eq 0 ]; then
  echo "attempting to transcode ly to pdf"
  lilypond --pdf -o $pdfdir/$3 $workdir/$3.ly

# remove the intermediate .ly file
rm -f $workdir/$3.ly

exit $retcode

Invoking from Scala

And here's some code that uses Process to call the script and return a scalaz Validation that contains either LilyPond's error messages or a file handle to the pdf:

import scala.sys.process.{Process, ProcessLogger}
import java.io.{InputStream, File}
import scalaz.Validation
import scalaz.Scalaz._
import org.streum.configrity.Configuration

trait Transcoder {
  def config: Configuration

  private def scriptHome = config[String]("transcode.scriptDir")
  // source
  private def abcHome = config[String]("transcode.abcDir")

  // destination
  private def pdfHome = config[String]("transcode.pdfDir")

  def transcode(abcName: String): Validation[String, File] = {
    import scala.collection.mutable.StringBuilder 

    val out = new StringBuilder
    val err = new StringBuilder

    val logger = ProcessLogger(
      (o: String) => out.append(o),
      (e: String) => err.append(e))

    val pb = Process(scriptHome + "abc2pdf.sh " + abcHome + " " + pdfHome + " " + abcName)
    val exitValue = pb.run(logger).exitValue

    exitValue match {
      case 0 => {val fileName = pdfHome  + abcName + ".pdf"
                 val file = new File(fileName)
      case _ => err.toString.fail
config shows one way to use configrity. We could put our config values into a file (server.conf):

transcode {
   scriptDir = "/home/john/Development/Workspace/BlueEyes/tunedb/lilypond/"
   abcDir = "/var/data/music/abc/"
   pdfDir = "/var/data/music/pdf/"
we can them build a Transcoder in a test environment like this:

   class TestTranscoder extends Transcoder {
      override def toString = "test transcoder"
      override val config = {
        println("Loading configuration file")
and we can test it like this:

    /** a test transcode with an abc file that exists */
    def testGoodABC() {
      val transcoder = new TestTranscoder()
      val validation = transcoder.transcode("Odeas")
      validation.fold( e => fail("file should have been transcoded"),
                       s => s.getName() should be ("Odeas.pdf"))

    /** a test transcode with an abc file that does not exist */
    def testBadABC() {
      val transcoder = new TestTranscoder()
      val validation = transcoder.transcode("NotThere")
      validation.fold( e => (),
                       s => fail("PDF file should not be returned for invalid input"))

Monday, June 11, 2012

Scala in Depth

Josh Suereth's long-awaited book was published a couple of weeks ago.  It is by no means an introductory text - it seems to be aimed predominantly at java developers who already have a good grasp of scala syntax.

I feel that one of the main threats to the scala community is the possibility of it polarising into OO and pure functional factions.  I found Josh's book tremendously helpful in attempting to establish a truly idiomatic scala style and this is not an easy goal to achieve. Throughout the book, he develops rules which summarise best practice.  As expected, these encourage a more functional style, but he is not afraid to say where their over-use becomes awkward, or to point out scala constructs that are best avoided.  At all times, he has in the back of his mind the professional programmer, working in a team, and he wants to make the environment as productive as possible, with no nasty surprises.

For me, the most important chapters were those on implicits and the type system which were treated very thoroughly and provide a very understandable introduction to the coverage of type classes in the final chapter. As such, this book may also act as a wonderful introduction to Functional Programming in Scala  when it arrives.