Thursday, August 23, 2012

REST and Pagination

What is the RESTful way to perform pagination? To my mind, there is only one approach - URI parameters. For example, to return the first ten tunes from our repository:


A page is not itself a resource and so these parameters should not be part of the URI path. Nor should the HTTP Range header be hijacked for this purpose. Fortunately, Spray makes it ridiculously easy to fish out the parameters and provide defaults where necessary with its parameters combinator. For example, if we want to use a default page size of 10 we can use:

    pathPrefix("musicrest/genre") {
      path (PathElement / "tune" ) { genre => 
        parameters('page ? 1, 'size ? 10) { (page, size) =>
          get {  ctx => ctx.complete(TuneList(genre, page, size)) }
    } ~

The next problem is how best to represent the list of tunes that is returned. As we're developing a transcoding service, it makes sense to support both JSON and XML representations and to return the paging information alongside the tunes. These representations can be returned by means of an appropriate marshaller as discussed earlier. A JSON representation for a couple of tunes might be:

    "tune": [
            "title": "A Fig For A Kiss",
            "rhythm": "slip jig",
            "_id": "a+fig+for+a+kiss-slip+jig"
            "title": "Baltimore Salute, The",
            "rhythm": "reel",
            "_id": "baltimore+salute%2C+the-reel"
    "pagination": {
        "page": "1",
        "size": "2"

and the equivalent XML representation would be:

       <title>A Fig For A Kiss</title>
       <rhythm>slip jig</rhythm>
       <title>Baltimore Salute, The</title>

Before we look into how to implement this, I need to digress slightly and talk about the components I've chosen to integrate.


It turns out that LilyPond was not really appropriate for transcoding the tunes. Although it produces scores of very high quality, it was slow, and the abc2ly utility would occasionally hiccup (for example, it would get confused by lead-in notes). Instead I now use abcMidi for midi production and abc2ps for postscript (which can then be transcoded to a variety of formats with the standard Linux convert tool). I had originally intended to use Blue Eyes MongoDB for Mongo integration but was put off by the large number of jars brought in through its dependency on Blue Eyes Core. Instead I now use Casbah which is very easy to work with. I'm still very pleased with Blue Eyes JSON, though. And finally, I have chosen Spray as the web service toolkit.

Implementing Paging

This is very straightforward with Mongo because the URI parameters very closely match Mongo's skip and limit functions. For example, the following Casbah query returns the data we need (here T represents the tune title and R its rhythm):

  def getTunes(genre: String, page: Int, size: Int): Iterator[scala.collection.Map[String, String]] = {
    val mongoCollection = mongoConnection(dbname)(genre)
    val q  = MongoDBObject.empty
    val skip = (page -1) * size
    val fields = MongoDBObject("T" -> 1, "R" -> 2)
    val s = MongoDBObject("T" -> 1)
    for {
      x <- mongoCollection.find(q, fields).sort(s).skip(skip).limit(size)
    } yield x.mapValues(v => v.asInstanceOf[String])    
We can use the Iterator returned by this query to populate our TuneList class, and provide a toJSON method to produce the output we require:

class TuneList(i: Iterator[scala.collection.Map[String, String]], page: Int, size: Int) {
  def toJSON: String = {
    val quotedi = cols => c => c match {
      case ("T", x) => "\"title\"" + ": " + "\"" + x + "\" "
      case ("R", x) => "\"rhythm\"" + ": " + "\"" + x + "\" "
      case (a, b)   => "\"" + a + "\"" + ": " + "\"" + b + "\" "
    }).mkString("{", ",", "}"))
    quotedi.mkString("{ \"tune\": [", ",", "], " + pageInfoJSON + "  }") 
  private val pageInfoJSON:String = " \"pagination\" : { \"page\""  + ": \"" + page + "\" ," + "\"size\""  + ": \"" + size + "\" }"

object TuneList {
  def apply(genre: String, page: Int, size: Int):TuneList = new TuneList(TuneModel().getTunes(genre, page, size), page, size)

Finally, we can add a toXML method for the XML output, made very easy by the Blue Eyes JSON library:

  def toXML: String = {
      val jvalue = JsonParser.parse(toJSON)
      "<tunes>" + Xml.toXml(jvalue).toString + "</tunes>"

I find it much simpler to generate XML from JSON rather than the other way round.

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